Category: Cây Hoa Hồng


Rose Midge On Friday, August 23, 1996 I visited a rose nursery in Petaluma, Sonoma County, California that was heavily infested with the rose midge, Dasineura rhodophaga (Coquillett) [Diptera: Cecidomyiidae]. Nearly 100% of the new growth in a section of the field grown roses was affected. The infestation was first detected in early August by […]


ROSE MOSAIC ON ROSE PLANT CAUSAL ORGANISM: Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus: Mosaic is probably the most commonly found virus on roses but many other virus diseases also exist. While mosaic is transmitted by propagation other viruses can be transmitted by pollen, insect feeding or simply by mechanical contact. Symptoms of virus are usually dramatic manifestations of […]


BACTERIAL CROWN GALL ON ROSE PLANT CAUSAL ORGANISM: Agrobacterium spp: This is really the only serious bacterial disease of Rose. The bacteria is found world wide wherever roses are grown and is especially severe in loose sandy or sandy loam soils. SYMPTOMS: On roses the symptoms of overgrowths can occur at the crown, bud union or […]


RUST ON ROSE PLANT CAUSAL ORGANISM: Phragmidium spp: The rust of rose is one of the most commonly found and easily identified diseases of rose. Severe outbreaks occur where cool temperatures and high moisture are found during the prime growing season. Where foliage is heavy, the first symptoms usually are found close to the ground and […]